
Filter by package name:
  • gtkspell3 : On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets
  • gtkspellmm : On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets - C++ bindings
  • gtkterm : Serial port terminal
  • gtranslator : Translation (.po) file editor with many features
  • gts : 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system
  • gtypist : Typing Tutor
  • guacd : Server-side native components that form the Guacamole proxy
  • guake : A drop-down terminal for Gnome Desktop Environment
  • guava : Google Core Libraries for Java
  • guava20 : Google Core Libraries for Java
  • guayadeque : Music Player with the aims to be intuitive, easy to use and fast
  • gucharmap : A Unicode character map and font viewer
  • gudev-sharp : Mono bindings for the GUdev library
  • guetzli : Perceptual JPEG encoder
  • guichan : Portable C++ GUI library for games using Allegro, SDL and OpenGL
  • guile : GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility
  • guile1.8 : GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility
  • guile2.0 : GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility
  • guitarix : A simple virtual guitar amplifier for JACK
  • gumbo : An HTML5 parsing library in pure C99
  • gummi : A LaTeX editor for the Linux platform in C/GTK+
  • gupnp : Object-oriented framework for creating UPnP devices and control points
  • gupnp-av : A collection of helpers for building UPnP AV applications
  • gupnp-dlna : A collection of helpers for building UPnP dlna applications
  • gupnp-igd : Handle Internet Gateway Device port mappings
  • gupnp-tools : A collection of dev tools utilizing GUPnP and GTK+
  • gutenprint : Photo-quality printer drivers primarily for inkjet printers
  • guvcview : GTK+ UVC Viewer and Capturer
  • gv : An enhanced front-end for the ghostscript PostScript(TM) interpreter
  • gvfs : Glib VFS library
  • gvolwheel : Lightweight application to control the audio volume
  • gwakeonlan : A GTK+ utility to awake machines using the Wake on LAN
  • gwebsockets : GLib based websockets server
  • gwenhywfar : A multi-platform helper library for other libraries
  • gwenview : Fast and easy to use image viewer for KDE
  • gxmessage : An xmessage substitute for gtk-3.0
  • gyp : Generate Your Projects
  • gypsy : A GPS multiplexing daemon
  • gzdoom : Enhanced Doom engine
  • gzip : The GNU data compression program
  • hackrf : A project to produce a low cost open source software radio platform
  • halibut : TeX-like software manual tool
  • hamcrest : Library of matchers for building test expressions
  • hamcrest2 : Library of matchers for building test expressions
  • hamlib : Control radio transceivers and receivers
  • hamster-time-tracker : The linux time tracker
  • handbrake : An open-source video transcoder
  • haproxy : Reliable High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer
  • harbour : Free software Clipper compatible compiler
  • hardening-check : Tool to check ELF for being built hardened
2701-2750 of 14533.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.