
Filter by package name:
  • gtef : GTK+ Text Editor Framework
  • gtest : Google's framework for writing C++ tests
  • gtetrinet : TetriNET game client for Linux
  • gtg : Organizer for the GNOME desktop environment
  • gthumb : An image viewer and browser for GNOME
  • gtimelog : A Gtk+ time tracking application
  • gtk+2.0 : The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIs
  • gtk+3.0 : GTK+ graphical user interface library
  • gtk-chtheme : Utility to preview and change GTK 2 themes
  • gtk-doc : API documentation generation tool for GTK+ and GNOME
  • gtk-gnutella : GUI based Gnutella Client
  • gtk-ppp : Modem internet connection tool for the GNOME Desktop
  • gtk-recordmydesktop : GTK fronted for recordmydesktop
  • gtk-sharp-beans : Extra Gtk# bindings
  • gtk-sharp2 : C# language binding for the gtk+ toolkit
  • gtk-sharp3 : C# language binding for the gtk+ 3.0 toolkit
  • gtk-vnc : A GTK widget for VNC clients
  • gtk2-theme-engines : Default GTK+ 2.0 theme engines
  • gtkdatabox : A Gtk+-Widget for Fast Data Display
  • gtkdialog : GUI creation tool for shells and arbitrary interpreters
  • gtkdive : Buehlmann ZH-L16 model diving simulation
  • gtkextra : A library of gtk+ widgets
  • gtkglarea2 : OpenGL widget for GTK+ GUI toolkit
  • gtkglext : OpenGL extension to GTK 2.0 or later
  • gtkglextmm : C++ wrapper for GtkGlExt
  • gtkguitune : Linux program for tuning guitars
  • gtkhotkey : Platform Independent Hotkey Handling for GTK+ Applications
  • gtkhtml3.14 : HTML rendering/editing library
  • gtkhtml4 : HTML rendering/editing library
  • gtkimageview : Simple image viewer widget for GTK
  • gtklp : A GTK front-end for CUPS
  • gtkmathview : C++ rendering engine for MathML documents
  • gtkmm-documentation : Documentation of C++ wrappers for GLib/GTK+
  • gtkmm2.4 : C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk+
  • gtkmm3.0 : C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk+
  • gtkpod : GTK interface to iPod
  • gtksourceview : Source code viewing library
  • gtksourceview2 : Source code viewing library
  • gtksourceview3 : Source code viewing library
  • gtksourceviewmm : Source code viewing library
  • gtkspell : Spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView widget
  • gtkspell3 : On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets
  • gtkterm : Serial port terminal
  • gtranslator : Translation (.po) file editor with many features
  • gts : 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system
  • gtypist : Typing Tutor
  • guacamole-client : Server-side Java components that form the Guacamole application
  • guacd : Server-side native components that form the Guacamole proxy
  • guake : A drop-down terminal for Gnome Desktop Environment
  • guava : Google Core Libraries for Java
2651-2700 of 14794.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.