Packages/Applications (Development/Java)

Filter by package name:
  • jetty-version-maven-plugin : Jetty version management Maven plugin
  • jetty8 : Java Webserver and Servlet Container
  • jeuclid : MathML rendering solution
  • jexcelapi : A Java API to read, write and modify Excel spreadsheets
  • jffi : Java Foreign Function Interface
  • jflex : Fast Scanner Generator
  • jfor : XSL-FO to RTF converter
  • jFormatString : Java format string compile-time checker
  • jfreechart : A 2D chart library for Java applications (JavaFX, Swing or server-side)
  • jgoodies-animation : Framework for time-based real-time animations in Java
  • jgoodies-common : Common library shared by JGoodies libraries and applications
  • jgoodies-forms : Framework to lay out and implement elegant Swing panels in Java
  • jgoodies-looks : Free high-fidelity Windows and multi-platform appearance
  • jgraph : The free Swing-style component
  • jgrapht : A free Java graph library that provides mathematical graph objs and algorithms
  • jgraphx : Java Graph Drawing Component
  • jgroups : Toolkit for reliable multicast communication
  • jgroups212 : A toolkit for reliable multicast communication
  • jhdf5 : Java HDF5 Package
  • jhighlight : An embeddable pure Java syntax highlighting library
  • jiapi : A highlevel API to instrument Java bytecode
  • jibx : Framework for binding XML data to Java objects
  • jing-trang : Schema validation and conversion based on RELAX NG
  • jinput : Java Game Controller API
  • jiprof : Java Interactive Profiler
  • jlatexmath : Java API to display mathematical formulas written in LaTeX
  • jlayer : Ogg Vorbis sound engine
  • jline : Java library for handling console input
  • jline1 : Java library for reading and editing user input in console applications
  • jmapviewer : Java OpenStreetMap Tile Viewer
  • jmatio : Java Matlab IO library
  • jmdns : Java implementation of multi-cast DNS
  • jmh : Java Microbenchmark Harness
  • jmock : Java library for testing code with mock objects
  • jna : Pure Java access to native libraries
  • jnr-constants : Java Native Runtime constants
  • jnr-enxio : Unix sockets for Java
  • jnr-ffi : Java Abstracted Foreign Function Layer
  • jnr-netdb : Network services database access for java
  • jnr-posix : Java Posix layer
  • jnr-unixsocket : Unix sockets for Java
  • jnr-x86asm : Pure-java port of asmjit
  • joda-convert : Java library for conversion to and from standard string formats
  • joda-time : Java date and time API
  • jogl : Java bindings for the OpenGL API
  • jogl2 : Java bindings for the OpenGL API
  • johnzon : Implementation of JSR-353
  • joni : Java port of Oniguruma regexp library
  • jopt-simple : A Java command line parser
  • jorbis : Pure Java Ogg Vorbis Decoder
551-600 of 1140.

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