
Filter by package name:
  • ucarp : Portable implementation of the CARP protocol
  • uchardet : Universal charset detection
  • ucl : The UCL Compression Library
  • ucommon : Portable C++ framework for threads and sockets
  • ucpp : Embeddable, quick, light and fully compliant ISO C99 preprocessor
  • ucs-miscfixed-fonts : Selected set of bitmap fonts
  • udftools : UDF filesystem tools
  • udisks : Storage Management Service
  • udisks-glue : A tool to associate udisks events to user-defined actions
  • udisks2 : Disk Manager
  • udns : DNS Resolver Library
  • udpcast : UDP broadcast file distribution and installation
  • udpxy : UDP-to-HTTP multicast traffic relay daemon
  • udunits2 : A library for manipulating units of physical quantities
  • ufdbguard : ufdbGuard is a URL filter for Squid
  • ufoai : UFO: Alien Invasion
  • ufoai-data : Data files for ufoai
  • ufraw : Graphical tool to convert raw images of digital cameras
  • uftp : A multicast FTP client and server
  • ugene : Integrated bioinformatics toolkit
  • uget : Download manager using GTK+ and libcurl
  • uglify-js : JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit
  • uglify-js1 : JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit
  • uhd : Universal Hardware Driver for Ettus Research products
  • uhttpmock : HTTP web service mocking library
  • uidesigner : fpGUI's Visual User Interface Designer
  • uim : Multilingual input method library
  • uim-chewing : Chinese input plugin for UIM
  • uima-addons : Apache UIMA Addons components
  • uima-parent-pom : Apache UIMA Parent POM
  • uimaj : Apache UIMA is an implementation of the OASIS-UIMA specifications
  • uips : Universal IPS create/apply utility
  • ulogd : Userspace logging daemon for netfilter
  • ultimatestunts : Remake of the famous DOS-game Stunts
  • umbrello : UML Modeller
  • unac : A command that removes accents
  • unace : Decompressor for .ace format archives
  • unar : Multi format application for uncompressing archive files
  • unarj : An uncompressor for .arj format archive files
  • unbescape : Advanced yet easy to use escaping library for Java
  • unbound : A validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver
  • undertaker : Find always-on and always-off conditional C code
  • undertow : Java web server using non-blocking IO
  • undertow-js : JavaScript based handlers for Undertow
  • unetbootin : Create bootable Live USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions
  • unhide : Tool to find hidden processes and TCP/UDP ports from rootkits
  • unicode-emoji : Unicode Emoji Data Files
  • unicode-ucd : Unicode Character Database
  • uniconvertor : Universal vector graphics translator
  • unifont : Tools and glyph descriptions in a very simple text format
12951-13000 of 13816.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.