
Filter by package name:
  • xmessage : Display a message or query in a window
  • xml-commons-apis : APIs for DOM, SAX, and JAXP
  • xml-commons-resolver : Resolver subproject of xml-commons
  • xml-maven-plugin : Maven XML Plugin
  • xml-security-c : C++ Implementation of W3C security standards for XML
  • xml-stylebook : Apache XML Stylebook
  • xmlbird : XML parser with support for Vala iterators
  • xmlgraphics-commons : XML Graphics Commons
  • xmlpull : XML Pull Parsing API
  • xmlrpc : Java XML-RPC implementation
  • xmlrpc-c : Programming library for writing an XML-RPC server or client in C or C++
  • xmlrpc-epi : An implementation of the XML-RPC protocol in C
  • xmlsec1 : Library providing support for "XML Signature" and "XML Encryption" standards
  • xmlstarlet : Command Line XML Toolkit
  • xmlstreambuffer : Stream Based Representation for XML Infoset
  • xmltex : Namespace-aware XML parser written in TeX
  • xmlto : A tool for converting XML files to various formats
  • xmltoman : Tool to convert xml to man pages in groff format or html
  • xmltool : Tool to manage XML documents through a Fluent Interface
  • xmltv : A set of utilities to manage your TV viewing
  • xmlunit : Provides classes to do asserts on xml
  • xmms2 : A modular audio framework and plugin architecture
  • xmodmap : Utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in X
  • xmorph : An X Window System tool for creating morphed images
  • xmoto : A challenging 2D motocross platform game
  • xmove : X11 pseudo-server to dynamically move X11 applications
  • xmp : A multi-format module player
  • xmpcore : Java XMP Library
  • xmvn : Local Extensions for Apache Maven
  • xmvn-connector-ivy : XMvn Connector for Apache Ivy
  • xnec2c : GTK based graphical wrapper for nec2c
  • xonotic : A free multi-player first person shooter
  • xonotic-data : Xonotic data files (graphics, music, maps, etc.)
  • xorg-x11 : X11 metapackage
  • xorriso : ISO 9660 Rock Ridge Filesystem Manipulator
  • xosd : X On Screen Display, displays XMMS status information
  • xosview : An X Window System utility for monitoring system resources
  • xournal : Pen-based journal and PDF annotator
  • xournalpp : Note taking software designed around a tablet
  • xpa : The XPA messaging system
  • xpdf : A PDF file viewer for the X Window System
  • xpenguins : Cute little penguins that walk along the tops of your windows
  • xpilot : An X Window System based multiplayer aerial combat game
  • xplanet : OpenGL based planet renderer
  • xplayer : Generic media player
  • xplayer-plparser : Simple GObject-based library to parse playlist formats
  • xplc : Component system
  • xpp3 : XML Pull Parser
  • xprop : Property displayer for X
  • xproperty : Traitlets-like C++ properties and implementation of the observer pattern
15151-15200 of 15363.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.