
Filter by package name:
  • uhttpmock : HTTP web service mocking library
  • uidesigner : fpGUI's Visual User Interface Designer
  • uim : Multilingual input method library
  • uim-chewing : Chinese input plugin for UIM
  • uips : Universal IPS create/apply utility
  • ulcc : Teaching children by pictures
  • ulogd : Userspace logging daemon for netfilter
  • ultimatestunts : Remake of the famous DOS-game Stunts
  • umbrello : UML Modeller
  • umockdev : Mock hardware devices
  • unac : A command that removes accents
  • unace : Decompressor for .ace format archives
  • unar : Multi format application for uncompressing archive files
  • unarj : An uncompressor for .arj format archive files
  • unbound : A validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver
  • unetbootin : Create bootable Live USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions
  • unhide : Tool to find hidden processes and TCP/UDP ports from rootkits
  • unibilium : Terminfo parsing library
  • unicode-emoji : Unicode Emoji Data Files
  • unicode-ucd : Unicode Character Database
  • unifdef : Tool for removing ifdef'd lines
  • unifont : Tools and glyph descriptions in a very simple text format
  • unimrcp : Media Resource Control Protocol Stack
  • unimrcp-deps : Media Resource Control Protocol Stack
  • unison : File-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows
  • units : A utility for converting amounts from one unit to another
  • unittest-cpp : Lightweight unit testing framework for C++
  • universalcodegrep : An extremely fast grep-like tool specialized for searching large bodies of code
  • univocity-output-tester : Simple project to validate expected outputs of univocity parsers
  • univocity-parsers : Collection of parsers for Java
  • unixcw : Shared library for Morse programs
  • unixODBC : Unix ODBC driver manager and database drivers
  • unknown-horizons : A popular economy and city building 2D RTS game
  • unoconv : Tool to convert between any document format supported by LibreOffice
  • unpackssi : .SSI File Unpacker
  • unpaper : Post-processing scanned and photocopied book pages
  • unrar : Decompressor for .rar format archives
  • unrtf : RTF to other formats converter
  • unshield : Install InstallShield applications on a Pocket PC
  • unuran : Universal Non-Uniform Random number generator
  • unzip : A utility for unpacking zip files
  • unzoo : ZOO archive extractor
  • upower : Power Management Service
  • upsm : Qt-based ups monitor (front-end for upsc from Network UPS Tools)
  • uptimed : A daemon to record and keep track of system uptimes
  • upx : The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
  • urbanlightscape : Utility for localized exposure correction
  • urlview : A URL extractor/viewer for use with Mutt
  • urpmex : Suite of tools for Mageia administration
  • urpmi : Command-line software installation tools
13701-13750 of 14533.

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