Packages/Applications (Development/Tools)

Filter by package name:
  • git-cola : A sleek and powerful git GUI
  • git-lfs : Git extension for versioning large files
  • git-remote-hg : Transparent bidirectional bridge between Git and Mercurial for Git
  • git-review : A git helper for integration with Gerrit
  • gitflow : Extensions providing operations for V. Driessen's branching model
  • global : GNU GLOBAL (source code tagging system)
  • go-compilers : Go language compilers for various architectures
  • godot : Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine with a feature-rich editor
  • gperftools : Very fast malloc and performance analysis tools
  • gtkdialog : GUI creation tool for shells and arbitrary interpreters
  • gyp : Generate Your Projects
  • hg-git : Mercurial plugin for communicating with Git servers
  • hgsubversion : Mercurial extension for working with Subversion repositories
  • highlight : Universal source code to formatted text converter
  • hotspot : The Linux perf GUI for performance analysis
  • icecream-monitor : GUI monitor for icecream distributed compiled system
  • icmake : A hybrid between a 'make' utility and a 'shell script' language
  • kdevelop : Integrated Development Environment for C++/C
  • kyua : Testing framework for infrastructure software
  • laigter : Tool to generate normal, specular and parallax maps for 2D textures
  • langtable : Guess reasonable defaults for locale/language configuration
  • libipt : Intel Processor Trace Decoder Library
  • libunwind : An unwinding library
  • libvirt-sandbox : Libvirt application sandbox framework
  • littlewizard : Development Environment for Children
  • lld : The LLVM Linker
  • lldb : Next generation high-performance debugger
  • memstomp : Specialized memcpy checker with low overhead
  • mkosi : Create bespoke OS images
  • myrepos : A multiple SCM repository management tool
  • nerdtree : A tree explorer plugin for the editor Vim
  • ninja : A small build system with a focus on speed
  • novacom-client : Client for utility to connect to WebOS devices
  • novacom-server : Service for utility that connects to WebOS devices
  • pagure : A git-centered forge
  • panda3d : Game engine for Python and C++ 3D games
  • patchelf : A utility for patching ELF binaries
  • pencil : A sketching and GUI prototyping tool
  • perltidy : Script which indents and reformats Perl code
  • pkgconf : Package compiler and linker metadata toolkit
  • plexus-ant-factory : Plexus Ant component factory
  • premake : Cross-platform build configuration tool
  • qgit : A git GUI viewer
  • radare2-cutter : A Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework
  • rapidsvn : A cross-platform GUI for the Subversion concurrent versioning system
  • rcs : Revision Control System (RCS) file version management tools
  • renderdoc : Stand-alone graphics API debugging tool for Vulkan and OpenGL
  • rpmrebuild : A tool to build rpm file from rpm database
  • samurai : ninja-compatible build tool written in C
  • satyr : Tools to create anonymous, machine-friendly problem reports
51-100 of 124.

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