Packages/Applications (Development/C)

Filter by package name:
  • libwebp : Library and tools for the WebP graphics format
  • libwlocate : Open WLAN Map interface library
  • libxcrypt : Extended crypt library for DES, MD5, Blowfish and others
  • lmfit : Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization and curve fitting
  • lockrun : Ensures that another instance of the same command is not already running
  • lttng-ust : LTTng Userspace Tracer library
  • mdds : A collection of multi-dimensional data structures and indexing algorithms
  • mingw-pcre : MinGW Windows pcre library
  • mp_doccer : C source code documentation generator
  • netcdf : Libraries to use the Unidata network Common Data Form (netCDF)
  • nodejs-abbrev : Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
  • nodejs-better-assert : C-style assert() for Node.js
  • nodejs-callsite : Provides access to V8's "raw" CallSites from Node.js
  • nodejs-inherits : A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in js
  • nodejs-inherits1 : A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS - legacy version
  • npth : The New GNU Portable Threads library
  • opencl-headers : OpenCL (Open Computing Language) headers
  • ossp_uuid : OSSP uuid is a ISO-C:1999 application programming interface
  • p8-platform : Platform support library used by libCEC and Kodi
  • pax-utils : PaX aware and related utilities for ELF binaries
  • perl-Ace : Perl module for interfacing with ACE bioinformatics databases
  • perl-constant-boolean : Define TRUE and FALSE constants
  • perl-Convert-Bencode : Functions for converting to/from bencoded strings
  • perl-Data-Uniqid : Perl extension for simple generating of unique id's
  • perl-Mail-Message : MIME message handling
  • perl-Mail-Transport : Email message exchange
  • perl-Math-NumSeq : Number sequences
  • perl-MouseX-Foreign : Extends non-Mouse classes as well as Mouse classes
  • perl-Symbol-Util : Additional utilities for Perl symbols manipulation
  • perl-Test-Assert : Assertion methods for those who like JUnit
  • perl-Test-Signature : Automated SIGNATURE testing
  • perl-Test-Unit-Lite : Unit testing without external dependencies
  • pesign : Signing utility for UEFI binaries
  • pg2plplot : Facilitating the transition from PGPlot to PLplot
  • qjson : QJson is a qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects
  • qtsoap : The Simple Object Access Protocol Qt-based client side library
  • rinutils : Shlomi Fish's gnu11 C Library of Random headers
  • rpmconstant : A library to bind RPM constant values
  • sblim-sfcc : Standards Based Linux Instrumentation for Manageability
  • spdlog : Super fast C++ logging library
  • spirv-headers : Header files from the SPIR-V registry
  • stbi : JPEG/PNG reader
  • suitesparse : A collection of sparse matrix libraries
  • task-c-devel : Metapackage for C development
  • tcc : Tiny C Compiler
  • TOPCOM : Triangulations Of Point Configurations and Oriented Matroids
  • umockdev : Mock hardware devices
  • uthash : A hash table for C structures
  • vigra : Generic Programming for Computer Vision
  • vulkan-headers : Vulkan header files and API registry
51-100 of 104.

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