Packages/Applications (System/Libraries)

Filter by package name:
  • gtk4.0 : GTK graphical user interface library
  • gtkdatabox : A Gtk+-Widget for Fast Data Display
  • gtkextra : A library of gtk+ widgets
  • gtkglarea2 : OpenGL widget for GTK+ GUI toolkit
  • gtkglext : OpenGL extension to GTK 2.0 or later
  • gtkglextmm : C++ wrapper for GtkGlExt
  • gtkimageview : Simple image viewer widget for GTK
  • gtkmm2.4 : C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk+
  • gtkmm3.0 : C++ interface for popular GUI library gtk+
  • gtkspell : Spell-checking addon for GTK's TextView widget
  • gtkspell3 : On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets
  • gtkspellmm : On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets - C++ bindings
  • gts : 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system
  • gudev-sharp : Mono bindings for the GUdev library
  • guichan : Portable C++ GUI library for games using Allegro, SDL and OpenGL
  • gumbo : An HTML5 parsing library in pure C99
  • gupnp-av : A collection of helpers for building UPnP AV applications
  • gupnp-dlna : A collection of helpers for building UPnP dlna applications
  • gupnp-igd : Handle Internet Gateway Device port mappings
  • gvfs : Glib VFS library
  • gwebsockets : GLib based websockets server
  • gwenhywfar : A multi-platform helper library for other libraries
  • gypsy : A GPS multiplexing daemon
  • HDF : A general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data
  • hdf5 : A data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data
  • hdf5_10 : HDF5 library
  • hermes : Hermes pixel format conversion library
  • hfst-ospell : HFST spell checker library and command line tool
  • hiredis : Minimalistic C client library for Redis
  • http-parser : HTTP request/response parser for C
  • hupnp : Qt string template engine based on the Django template system
  • hwloc : Hardware locality utilities and libraries
  • hyena : Library for .NET applications
  • hyperscan : High-performance regular expression matching library
  • icu : International Components for Unicode
  • ideviceinstaller : Manage apps of iOS devices
  • idevicerestore : Restore/upgrade firmware of iOS devices
  • idm-console-framework : Identity Management Console Framework
  • ifuse : Mount Apple iPhone and iPod touch devices
  • imlib2 : Powerful image loading and rendering library
  • inchi : The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier
  • indilib : Library to control astronomical devices
  • inih : Simple .INI file parser in C, good for embedded systems
  • iniparser : C library for parsing "INI-style" files
  • ipxe : A network boot loader
  • isl : Integer point manipulation library
  • iso-codes : Mapping between ISO country codes and full names
  • iwidgets : Widget Extension for Tcl/Tk
  • jami-daemon : Jami is a software for secure communications with distributed architecture
  • jami-lrc : LibRingClient, a library used for the Jami clients
251-300 of 1185.

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