Packages/Applications (Development/Other)

Filter by package name:
  • singularity : Application and environment virtualization
  • slib : Platform independent library for scheme
  • sparsehash : Extremely memory-efficient C++ hash_map implementation
  • spec-helper : Tools to ease the creation of rpm packages
  • sqlitestudio : A SQLite database manager
  • squeak-vm : The Squeak virtual machine
  • squirrel : The squirrel language
  • swi-prolog : Prolog interpreter and compiler
  • swig : Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG)
  • taglib-sharp : Metadata library for most common movie and music formats
  • task-mageia-packaging : Meta-package to install packaging-related tools
  • task-packager : Common tools for Mageia packagers
  • tcl : Tool Command Language, pronounced tickle
  • tclreadline : Tcl/Tk readline enhanced shells
  • ticpp : Completely new interface to TinyXML
  • tk : The graphical toolkit for the Tcl scripting language
  • tkdiff : A tcl/tk based graphical interface to the DIFF utility
  • tolua++ : A tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua
  • tuncel : Service menu or Actions for various desktops
  • uchardet : Universal charset detection
  • unifdef : Tool for removing ifdef'd lines
  • vagrant : Build and distribute virtualized development environments
  • vagrant-libvirt : libvirt provider for Vagrant
  • vala : Compiler for the GObject type system
  • websocketpp : C++ WebSocket Protocol Library
  • wxformbuilder : GUI builder for wxWidgets
  • xa : 6502/65816 cross-assembler
  • xapian-bindings : Bindings for the Xapian
  • xapps : Common files for XApp desktop apps
  • Xdialog : A replacement for the cdialog program for X
  • xfce4-dev-tools : Xfce developer tools
  • yasm : Modular Assembler
  • youri-check : Youri check tool
  • zeromq : Software library for fast, message-based applications
1101-1134 of 1134.

This list shows only applications. Show all packages.