Packages/Applications (Editors)

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  • bbdb : The Insidious Big Brother Database
  • chntpw : Change passwords in Windows SAM files
  • cooledit : Full featured multiple window programmer's text editor
  • devhelp-plugins : Gedit Plugins for Devhelp
  • dhex : Hexadecimal editor including a diff mode to compare 2 binary files
  • ed : The GNU line editor
  • emacs : GNU Emacs text editor with X11 support
  • emacs-auctex : Enhanced LaTeX mode for GNU Emacs
  • emacs-chess : A client and library for playing Chess from Emacs
  • emacs-doc : GNU Emacs documentation
  • emacs-el : GNU Emacs Lisp source files
  • emacs-ess : Emacs Speaks Statistics package for Emacs
  • emacs-ess-doc : Emacs Speaks Statistics Documentation
  • emacs-leim : GNU Emacs Lisp code for international input methods
  • emacs-nox : GNU Emacs text editor without support for X11
  • emacs-tuareg-mode : OCaml mode for Emacs/XEmacs
  • encryptpad-cli : Minimalist secure text editor and binary encryptor
  • encryptpad-docs : Minimalist secure text editor and binary encryptor
  • encryptpad-qt5 : Minimalist secure text editor and binary encryptor
  • enki : Advanced text editor for programmers
  • eureka : A cross-platform map editor for the classic DOOM games
  • featherpad : Lightweight Qt6 Plain-Text Editor for Linux
  • gedit : Small but powerful text editor for GNOME
  • gedit-plugins : Extra plugins for gedit
  • ghex : GNOME Hexadecimal Editor
  • gobby : A free collaborative editor
  • gtksourceview : Source code viewing library
  • gtksourceview3 : Source code viewing library
  • gtranslator : Translation (.po) file editor with many features
  • helix-bash-completion : Bash Completion for helix
  • helix-fish-completion : Fish Completion for helix
  • helix-zsh-completion : Zsh Completion for helix
  • hexedit : View and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII
  • ht-editor : File editor/viewer/analyzer for executables
  • jed : A fast, compact editor based on the slang screen library
  • jed-common : Files needed by any Jed editor
  • jed-xjed : The X Window System version of the Jed text editor
  • joe : An easy to use text editor, supporting syntax highlight and UTF-8
  • kate : Advanced text editor
  • kwrite : Simple text editor for Plasma 5
  • l3afpad : Simple text editor forked from Leafpad, supports GTK+ 3.x
  • lib64Cw1 : Shared library files for cooledit
  • lib64gtksourceview3.0_1 : Source code viewing library
  • lib64gtksourceview4_0 : Source code viewing library
  • lib64gtksourceview5_0 : Source code viewing library
  • lib64libgedit-gtksourceview300_0 : Gedit source code editing widget library
  • micro : A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
  • mousepad : A simple text editor for Xfce
  • mp : Minimum Profit Text Editor
  • nano : Tiny console text editor that aims to emulate Pico
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