
Filter by package name:
  • xawtv : X11 program for watching TV
  • xbill : Defend your computers from Wingdows Viruses
  • xboard : An X Window System graphical chessboard
  • xca : GUI for handling X509 certificates, RSA keys and PKCS#10 requests
  • xcave : A wine cellar manager
  • xchm : Summary CHM viewer for UNIX
  • xcpustate : An X Window System based CPU state monitor
  • xdg-desktop-portal-gtk : Back-end implementation for xdg-desktop-portal using GTK+
  • xdg-desktop-portal-kde : Back-end implementation for xdg-desktop-portal using Qt/KF5
  • xdiskusage : Lightweight interface to visualize your detailed disk usage
  • xdx : DX Cluster client for radio amateurs
  • xed : A small and lightweight text editor
  • xfburn : A simple CD burning tool for the Xfce Desktop Environment
  • xfce4-appfinder : Find every application in the system
  • xfce4-clipman-plugin : Clipboard history plugin for the Xfce panel
  • xfce4-notes-plugin : Notes plugin for the Xfce panel
  • xfce4-notifyd : Notification daemon for Xfce desktop environment
  • xfce4-panel : A Xfce panel
  • xfce4-panel-profiles : A simple application to manage Xfce panel layouts
  • xfce4-power-manager : A power manager for Xfce
  • xfce4-screensaver : Screen saver and locker for Xfce4
  • xfce4-screenshooter : Screen capture tool for Xfce
  • xfce4-sensors : Xfce 4 Sensors Viewer
  • xfce4-sensors-plugin : Sensor plugin for the Xfce panel
  • xfce4-session : Xfce Session Manager
  • xfce4-settings : Configuration settings manager for Xfce
  • xfce4-taskmanager : A small taskmanager for Xfce desktop environment
  • xfce4-terminal : X terminal emulator for Xfce desktop environment
  • xfdashboard : GNOME shell like dashboard for Xfce
  • xfdesktop : Desktop manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment
  • xfe : X File Explorer File Manager
  • xfig : An X Window System tool for drawing basic vector graphics
  • xfmpc : A MPD client focusing on low footprint for Xfce
  • xfwm4 : Window manager for Xfce desktop environment
  • xine-ui : A Free Video Player
  • xinput_calibrator : A generic touchscreen calibration program for X.Org
  • xkill : Kill a client by its X resource
  • xlockmore : An X terminal locking program
  • xlog : Logging program for Amateur Radio Operators
  • xlogical : XLogical - A puzzle game
  • xmbdfed : Bitmap Font Editor
  • xmorph : An X Window System tool for creating morphed images
  • xmoto : A challenging 2D motocross platform game
  • xnec2c : GTK based graphical wrapper for nec2c
  • xonotic : A free multi-player first person shooter
  • xosview : An X Window System utility for monitoring system resources
  • xournal : Pen-based journal and PDF annotator
  • xournalpp : Note taking software designed around a tablet
  • xpdf : A PDF file viewer for the X Window System
  • xpenguins : Cute little penguins that walk along the tops of your windows
1701-1750 of 1803.

This list shows only applications. Show all packages.