- chrome-gnome-shell : Support for managing GNOME Shell Extensions through web browsers
- chromium-browser : A fast webkit-based web browser (transition package)
- chromium-browser-stable : A fast webkit-based web browser
- chromium-bsu : Fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter
- cinnamon : Window management and application launching for Cinnamon
- cinnamon-control-center : Utilities to configure the Cinnamon desktop
- cinnamon-screensaver : Cinnamon Screensaver
- cinnamon-session : Cinnamon session manager
- cinnamon-settings-daemon : The daemon sharing settings from CINNAMON to GTK+/KDE applications
- circuslinux : Cute breakout-like game
- ckb-next : Corsair RGB keyboard driver for Linux and OS X
- clamtk : Easy to use front-end for ClamAV
- clamz : Command-line down-loader for the MP3 music store
- clanbomber : A free (GPL) Bomberman-like multiplayer game
- clash : A tool for swf authoring
- claudia : Set of tools useful for audio production
- claws-mail : The user-friendly, lightweight and fast GTK3 based email client
- clawsker : Dialog to edit Claws Mail's hidden preferences
- clementine : A cross-platform music player based on Amarok 1.4
- clipgrab : Download and Convert online videos
- clustalx : windows interface for the ClustalW multiple sequence alignment program
- cmake-qtgui : Qt GUI Dialog for CMake - the Cross-platform, open-source make system
- codeblocks : A C++ IDE
- codelite : A powerful open-source, cross platform C/C++/PHP IDE
- colobot : A real-time strategy game with programmable bots
- colorcode : Advanced MasterMind clone
- colord-kde : Interfaces and session daemon to colord for Plasma 5
- comex-gtk : GTK user interface for comex project
- commandergenius : An open clone of the Commander Keen engines
- communi : A simple and elegant cross-platform IRC client for desktop platforms
- compiz : OpenGL composite manager for Xgl and AIGLX
- compiz-ccsm : Compiz Config Settings Manager
- compiz-fusion-icon : Simple tray icon for compiz
- compiz-simple-ccsm : Simple settings manager for Compiz
- compton-conf : Configuration tool for X composite manager Compton
- congruity : Logitech Harmony remote programmer GUI
- conky : A lightweight system monitor
- conky-manager : A simple GUI for managing Conky config files
- connectagram : A word unscrambling game
- connections : A remote desktop client for the GNOME desktop environment
- converseen : A batch image conversion tool
- convertall : A very flexible unit converter
- cool-retro-term : Terminal emulator mimicking an old cathode display
- cooledit : Full featured multiple window programmer's text editor
- coolreader3 : Free e-book reader
- copyq : An advanced clipboard manager
- coq-ide : The Coq Integrated Development Interface
- coquillo : Audio Metadata Editor
- corectrl : Friendly hardware control
- corsixth : Open source clone of Theme Hospital
201-250 of 2015.
This list shows only applications. Show all packages.