
Filter by package name:
  • libreoffice-math : LibreOffice Equation Editor Application
  • libreoffice-writer : LibreOffice Word Processor Application
  • libreoffice-xsltfilter : Optional xsltfilter module for LibreOffice
  • libxfce4ui : Various Xfce widgets for Xfce desktop environment
  • lierolibre : Old-school duel shooter in wormholes based on the classic Liero game
  • liferea : A News Aggregator For RSS/RDF Feeds For GTK/GNOME
  • lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings : Settings-dialog for lightdm-gtk-greeter
  • lightlang : LightLang - universal powerful system of electronic dictionaries for Linux
  • lightsoff : GNOME Lightsoff game
  • lightspark : An alternative Flash Player implementation
  • lincity-ng : Lincity - A City Simulation Game
  • lingot : A musical instrument tuner
  • links-graphic : Lynx-like text/X11 WWW browser
  • links-hacked : Lynx-like text WWW browser
  • linkx : Lynx-like text WWW browser
  • linphoneqt : Voice over IP Application
  • linuxdcpp : A DC++ port for Linux
  • liquidwar : Unique multiplayer wargame
  • littlewizard : Development Environment for Children
  • lives : Linux Video Editing System
  • liveusb-creator : A liveusb creator
  • lmms : Linux MultiMedia Studio
  • log4j : Java logging package
  • logisim : Graphical tool for designing and simulating logic circuits
  • lokalize : Computer-Aided Translation Tool
  • lordsawar : Turn-based strategy game in a fantasy setting
  • lostsky : Story of a Lost Sky - Turn-based strategy RPG in the Touhou universe
  • love : A free 2D game engine which enables easy game creation in Lua
  • lshw-gui : HardWare LiSter (GUI Frontend)
  • lskat : Lieutenant Skat card game
  • ltris : Nice tetris clone
  • luckybackup : A powerful, fast and reliable backup & sync tool
  • lugaru : Ninja rabbit fighting game
  • luminance-hdr : A graphical tool for creating and tone-mapping HDR images
  • luppp : Live performance mixing tool
  • lure : Lure of the Temptress - Adventure Game
  • lure-de : Lure of the Temptress - Adventure game in German
  • lure-es : Lure of the Temptress - Adventure game in Spanish
  • lure-fr : Lure of the Temptress - Jeu d'aventure en français
  • lure-it : Lure of the Temptress - Adventure game in Italian
  • lutris : Install and play any video game easily
  • lxappearance : A new feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher
  • lxcontrol : Lexmark printer management commands
  • lxde-common : A set of default configuration for LXDE
  • lxde-ctrl-center : LXDE Control Center
  • lxhotkey : Lightweight global keyboard shortcuts configurator
  • lximage-qt : Image viewer and screenshot tool for the LXQt desktop
  • lxinput : Configure keyboard and mouse
  • lxmed : LXDE Menu Editor
  • lxmusic : Lightweight XMMS2 client with simple user interface
1001-1050 of 2061.

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