Packages/Applications (Development/Other)

Filter by package name:
  • verbiste-gtk : Gtk+ interface for verbiste
  • w3c-libwww-devel : Libraries and header files for programs that use libwww
  • waf : A framework for configuring, compiling and installing applications
  • webkit-sharp : WebKit bindings for Mono
  • webkit-sharp-devel : Development files for webkit-sharp
  • webkit-sharp-doc : Development documentation for webkit-sharp
  • xbase : Xbase dBase database file library
  • Xdialog : A replacement for the cdialog program for X
  • xen-ocaml : OCaml bindings for Xen
  • xfce4-dev-tools : Xfce developer tools
  • xmake : XMAKE allows you to easily construct multiple complex dependencies
  • xulrunner : XUL Runtime for Gecko Applications
  • yabasic : Small BASIC interpreter with printing and graphics
  • yasm : Modular Assembler
  • youri-check : Youri check tool
651-665 of 665.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.