Packages/Applications (Monitoring)

Filter by package name:
  • logwatch : Analyzes and Reports on system logs
  • lslk : A lock file lister
  • lsof : Lists files open by processes
  • memtester : Memory tester
  • monit : Process monitor and restart utility
  • munin : Network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer)
  • munin-async : Asynchronous client tools for munin
  • munin-java-plugins : java-plugins for munin
  • munin-master : Network-wide graphing framework (master)
  • munin-node : Network-wide graphing framework (node)
  • nagios : Host/service/network monitoring program
  • nagios-plugins : Host/service/network monitoring program plugins for Nagios
  • ncdu : Text-based disk usage viewer
  • nethogs : A tool resembling top for network traffic
  • net_monitor : Network monitoring tool
  • nicstat : Network traffic statics utility
  • nmon : Nigel's performance Monitor for Linux
  • notifyme : Notify the user when another specific user logs in
  • ntopng : A next generation Network and traffic analyzer
  • nut-cgi : CGI utils for NUT
  • patator : Multi-purpose brute-forcer
  • pcapfix : An utility for repairing the broken pcap files
  • perl-UPS-Nut : A perl module to talk to a UPS via NUT upsd
  • pflogsumm : Postfix log entry summarizer
  • pfqueue : Queue manager for the Postfix or Exim mail transport agent
  • pmb : PMB: Free sigb
  • procenv : Utility to show process environment
  • procps-ng : System and process monitoring utilities
  • psensor : A Graphical Temperature Monitor
  • psmisc : Utilities for managing processes on your system
  • puppet : System Automation and Configuration Management Software
  • puppet-server : Server for the puppet system management tool
  • puppet-stdlib : Standard library of resources for Puppet modules
  • python3-ecflow : Python 3 bindings for ecFlow
  • qps : Qt Visual Process Manager
  • rancid : Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
  • rancid-lg : Looking Glass CGIs for rancid
  • rawshark : Dump and analyze raw libpcap data
  • rrdcollect : Round-Robin Database Collecting Daemon
  • screenfetch : Screenfetch is a "Bash Screenshot Information Tool"
  • slsnif : A serial sniffer
  • smem : Memory reporting tool
  • squidanalyzer : Squid proxy log analyzer and report generator
  • sshd-monitor : A simple monitor for sshd
  • sslscan : Fast SSL Scanner
  • stacer : Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring
  • statgrab-tools : Tools from libstatgrab to monitoring the system
  • stikked : Open-Source PHP Pastebin
  • swatchdog : A utility for monitoring system logs files
  • sysdig : Open Source Linux Troubleshooting
51-100 of 138.

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