Packages/Applications (Graphical desktop/GNOME)
- adwaita-cursor-theme : Adwaita cursor theme
- adwaita-gtk2-theme : Adwaita gtk2 theme
- adwaita-icon-theme : GNOME default icons
- appeditor : Edit application menu
- bijiben : Simple Note Viewer
- cheser-icon-theme : Tango-style icons for GNOME and Xfce
- clearlooks-phenix-theme : GTK3 port of Clearlooks theme
- clipit : A lightweight, fully featured GTK+ clipboard manager
- colord : Color daemon
- colord-extra-profiles : More color profiles for color management that are less commonly used
- connections : A remote desktop client for the GNOME desktop environment
- contractor : Desktop-wide extension service
- d-spy : A D-Bus explorer for GNOME
- dconf-editor : An editor for the Dconf configuration system
- devilspie : A window matching tool
- elementary-icon-theme : Elementary icons for GNOME Desktop
- elementary-icon-theme-gimp-palette : Icons from the Elementary Project (GIMP palette)
- elementary-icon-theme-inkscape-palette : Icons from the Elementary Project (inkscape palette)
- endeavour : A simple to-do app for GNOME
- eog : The Eye of GNOME image viewer
- eog-plugins : Plugins for the Eye of GNOME image viewer
- evince : GNOME Document viewer
- evince-dvi : TeX DVI document support for evince
- frogr : Flickr Remote Organizer for GNOME
- ganyremote : GTK front-end for anyRemote
- gbrainy : A brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your brain trained
- gconf-editor : An editor for the GConf configuration system
- GConf2 : A configuration database system for GNOME
- gcr : A library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
- gcr-viewer-gtk4 : GCR Certificate Viewer - GTK4 version
- gcr4 : A library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
- gdm : The GNOME Display Manager
- gimagereader-gtk : A Gtk+3 front-end to tesseract-ocr
- gitg : GTK+ graphical interface for the git revision control system
- gnome-2048 : A 2048 clone for GNOME
- gnome-applets : Small applications for the GNOME Flashback panel
- gnome-backgrounds : Desktop backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop
- gnome-bluetooth : GNOME Bluetooth Subsystem
- gnome-bluetooth3.34 : GNOME Bluetooth Subsystem
- gnome-boxes : A simple GNOME 3 application to access remote or virtual systems
- gnome-browser-connector : Native browser connector for integration with
- gnome-builder : IDE for writing GNOME-based software
- gnome-builder-devel : Development files for gnome-builder
- gnome-calculator : GNOME Desktop calculator
- gnome-calendar : Simple and beautiful calendar application designed to fit GNOME 3
- gnome-characters : Character map application for GNOME
- gnome-classic-session : GNOME "classic" mode session
- gnome-color-manager : Color management tools for GNOME
- gnome-console : Simple user-friendly terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop
- gnome-contacts : Contacts manager for GNOME
1-50 of 136.
This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.