Packages/Applications (Emulators)
- aranym : Atari ST/TT/Falcon emulator
- attract : Graphical frontend for command line emulators
- bk-emu : Java Emulator for BK* computers
- bk-terak-emu : BK0010, BK0011M and Terak Emulator
- cbios : A third party BIOS compatible with the MSX BIOS
- cbios-openmsx : C-BIOS support for openMSX
- cdemu-client : Command-line client for controlling CDEmu daemon
- cdemu-daemon : Userspace daemon part of the CDemu suite
- dcmo5 : Thomson MO5 emulator
- desmume-cli : A Nintendo DS emulator (CLI version)
- desmume-glade : A Nintendo DS emulator (Glade GUI version)
- desmume-gtk : A Nintendo DS emulator (Gtk GUI version)
- dosbox : Free Open Source DOS emulator to run old DOS games
- dosbox-staging : A modernized DOSBox to run old DOS games
- dosemu : DOSEMU allows you to to run DOS programs
- dosemu-freedos : A FreeDOS hdimage for dosemu, a DOS emulator, to use
- dynamips : Cisco router emulator
- edk2-aarch64 : UEFI firmware for aarch64 virtual machines
- edk2-arm : ARM Virtual Machine Firmware
- edk2-ovmf : UEFI firmware for x86_64 virtual machines
- edk2-ovmf-experimental : Open Virtual Machine Firmware, experimental builds
- edk2-ovmf-ia32 : Open Virtual Machine Firmware
- edk2-tools-python : EFI Development Kit II Tools
- fceux : A cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator
- fceux-net-server : Server for the FCEUX emulator
- fs-uae : Amiga emulator with on-screen GUI and online play support
- fs-uae-arcade : Fullscreen game browser for FS-UAE
- fs-uae-launcher : Graphical configuration frontend and launcher for FS-UAE
- fuse-emulator : Fuse (the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator)
- fuse-emulator-utils : The additional utilities for Fuse ZX Spectrum emulator
- gcdemu : GTK+ based GUI for controlling CDEmu daemon
- gens-gs : A Sega Genesis, Sega CD and Sega 32X emulator
- hatari : An Atari ST emulator suitable for playing games
- higan : Accurate Nintendo multi-system emulator
- joy2key : Translate joystick events into keyboard events
- kde-cdemu : CDEmu manager frontend for KF5
- libdsk-progs : Programs for manipulating DSK format disc image files
- libfabric : Open Fabric Interfaces
- libmt32emu2 : Library to emulate Roland MT-32
- libvirglrenderer-devel : Virgil3D renderer development files
- libvirglrenderer1 : Virgl Rendering library
- libwtpm_libtpms-devel : Include files for the TPM emulator's CUSE interface for usage by clients
- libwtpm_libtpms0 : Private libraries for swtpm TPM emulators
- m64py : A Qt5 frontend for Mupen64Plus
- mednafen : Command-line-driven multi-system emulator utilizing OpenGL and SDL
- mednaffe : Multi-platform front-end (GUI) for the Mednafen emulator (GTK+ 3)
- mgba : Fast and accurate Game Boy Advance emulator
- mgba-qt : Qt 5 frontend for the mGBA emulator
- mupen64plus : Nintendo 64 Emulator (console frontend)
- netemul : A program for simulating computer networks
1-50 of 199.
This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.