Packages/Applications (Sciences/Other)
- asco : A SPICE Circuit Optimizer
- asymptote : Powerful descriptive vector graphics language
- asymptote-gui : GUI for Asymptote vector graphics language
- boinc-client : The BOINC client core
- boinc-client-static : Static libraries for boinc-client
- boinc-manager : GUI to control and monitor boinc-client
- brewtarget : An open source beer recipe creation tool
- camv-rnd : Standard installation
- camv-rnd-core : Executable with the core functionality and boxsym-rnd
- camv-rnd-export-extra : Export formats: special/extra
- camv-rnd-export-gd : Export formats that require libgd
- camv-rnd-export-vector : Export formats: vector graphics
- camv-rnd-import : Standard import file format support (PCB)
- camv-rnd-lib-gui : Support library for building the GUI
- engauge-digitizer : Convert graphs or map files into numbers
- freehdl : Free HDL simulator
- fritzing : Electronic Design Automation software; from prototype to product
- geda : GPL Electronic Design Automation Project
- geda-docs : Doc for the gEDA project
- geda-examples : Examples for the gEDA project
- geda-gattrib : Electronics schematics editor
- geda-gnetlist : Netlister for the gEDA project
- geda-gschem : Electronics schematics editor
- geda-gsymcheck : Electronics schematics editor
- geda-symbols : Electronic symbols for gEDA
- geda-utils : Netlister for the gEDA project
- gerbv : Gerber file viewer
- gerbv-examples : Gerber file examples for gerbv
- gnuplot : A program for plotting mathematical expressions and data
- gnuplot-mode : Yet another Gnuplot mode for Emacs
- gnuplot-nox : A program for plotting mathematical expressions and data
- gnuplot-qt : A program for plotting mathematical expressions and data
- grace : Numerical Data Processing and Visualization Tool (Grace)
- gramps : Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System
- gtkdive : Buehlmann ZH-L16 model diving simulation
- kojo : A Learning Environment - play, exploration, and learning
- kst : Program for looking at data streams
- lepton-eda : A suite of free software tools for electronic design
- libboinc-client-static-devel : Static libraries for boinc-client
- libgeda-data : Static data from geda
- libgeda-devel : Development libraries for the gEDA project
- libgeda42 : Libraries for the gEDA project
- libgerbv-devel : Development files for gerbv
- libgerbv1 : Libraries for gerbv
- liblepton-devel : Development files for lepton-eda
- liblepton-i18n : Internationalization and locale data for liblepton
- liblepton11 : Library files for lepton-eda
- libleptonattrib-devel : Development files for lepton-eda-attrib
- libleptonattrib5 : Attrib editor library files for lepton-eda-attrib
- libleptongui-devel : Development files for lepton-eda-gui
1-50 of 92.
This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.