Packages/Applications (System/Servers)

Filter by package name:
  • ulogd-libdbi : Libdbi framework output plugin for ulogd
  • ulogd-mysql : MySQL output plugin for ulogd
  • ulogd-pcap : PCAP output plugin for ulogd
  • ulogd-pgsql : PostgreSQL output plugin for ulogd
  • ulogd-sqlite : SQLITE output plugin for ulogd
  • unimrcp : Media Resource Control Protocol Stack
  • uuidd : Helper daemon to guarantee uniqueness of time-based UUIDs
  • varnish : Varnish is a high-performance HTTP accelerator
  • vdradmin-am : Web interface for VDR
  • viewvc : Browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control repositories
  • vsftpd : Very Secure File Transfer Protocol Daemon
  • web-assets-httpd : Web Assets aliases for the Apache HTTP daemon
  • webserver-base : Base files and user for a web server
  • xca : GUI for handling X509 certificates, RSA keys and PKCS#10 requests
  • xdg-desktop-portal : Portal frontend service to flatpak
  • xsp : Small Web Server Hosting ASP.NET
  • ypbind : The NIS daemon which binds NIS clients to an NIS domain
  • ypserv : The NIS (Network Information Service) server
  • ziproxy : A http compression and optimizer, non-caching, fully configurable proxy
  • zzzt : Photo-voltaic Inverter Monitor
451-470 of 470.

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