Packages/Applications (System/Libraries)

Filter by package name:
  • aalib : AA (Ascii Art) library
  • abydos : An image loading library which relies heavily on cairo
  • abydos-pixbuf : A set of gdk-pixbuf loaders that simply act as proxies for abydos
  • accounts-qml-module : QML module to manage the user's online accounts
  • accounts-qt : Accounts framework Qt bindings
  • accountsservice : D-Bus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account information
  • adplug : A software library for AdLib (OPL2) emulation
  • afflib : A set of programs for creating and manipulating AFF files
  • alembic : Open framework for storing and sharing scene data
  • alglib : A numerical analysis and data processing library
  • allegro : A game programming library
  • allegro4 : Game programming library
  • alure : Audio Library Tools REloaded
  • amtk : Text editor product line
  • angelscript : Scripting library
  • aom : Royalty-free next-generation video format
  • appstream-glib : Library for reading and writing AppStream metadata
  • apr : Apache Portable Runtime library
  • apr-util : Apache Portable Runtime Utility library
  • apulse : PulseAudio emulation for ALSA
  • aqbanking : A library for online banking functions and financial data import/export
  • argon2 : The reference C implementation of Argon2
  • aribb25 : Basic implementation of the ARIB STD-B25 public standard
  • assetml : Library assetml to share and reuse content like image and audio file
  • at-spi2-atk : A GTK+ module that bridges ATK to D-Bus at-spi
  • at-spi2-core : DBus interface definitions for AT-SPI (Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface)
  • ate-pairing : High-Speed Software Implementation of the Optimal Ate Pairing over Barreto-Naehrig Curves
  • atkmm : C++ interface for accessibility library Atk
  • atkmm1.6 : C++ interface for accessibility library Atk
  • audiofile : Library to handle various audio file formats
  • ayatana-ido : Ayatana Indicator Display Objects
  • babl : Dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library
  • bamf : Removes applications matching into a simple DBusdaemon and C wrapper library
  • bcg729 : Encoder and decoder of the ITU G.729 Annex A/B speech codec
  • bcmatroska2 : C Library to Deal with Matroska Files
  • belcard : C++ library to manipulate vCard standard format
  • belr : Language recognition library
  • blosc : A blocking, shuffling and lossless compression library
  • blt : A Tk toolkit extension, including widgets, geometry managers, etc
  • bodr : The Blue Obelisk Data Repository
  • botan2 : Crypto and TLS for C++
  • box2d : 2D physics engine for games
  • broadvoice : Library for the BroadVoice 16 and 32 speech codecs
  • bullet : Professional 3D collision detection library
  • bwidget : Extended widget set for Tk
  • bzrtp : ZRTP keys exchange protocol implementation
  • c++-gtk-utils : GTK+-based ISO image editor
  • c-ares : A library that performs asynchronous DNS operations
  • cagibi : An experimental cache/proxy system for the SSDPpart of UPnP
  • cairo : Cairo - multi-platform 2D graphics library
1-50 of 1185.

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