Package : mascot > RPM : mascot-1.0-11.mga6.src.rpm

Basic items

Name mascot
Version 1.0
Release 11.mga6
Group Development/OCaml
Summary Style-checker for OCaml sources
Size 395KB
Arch x86_64
License GPL v3


Mascot is a style-checker for OCaml sources. It provides checks in various
categories: code, documentation, interface, metrics, and typography. The
goal of the tool is to allow a (team of) developer(s) to enforce style
properties over a source codebase for greater coherency and style
uniformity. The tool is highly customizable, allowing one to choose the
checks to perform, as well as exceptions to those checks in given files.
Moreover, a plugin system allows the developer to add its own checks, and
output modes.

Bundled output modes range from bare text to CheckStyle- and
JDepend-compatible XML file in order to allow integration with Jenkins.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 6
Media name core-release
Media arch armv5tl

Advanced items

Build time 2016-09-26 00:41:42
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