Package : dhcpxd > RPM : dhcpxd-1.0.3-31.mga5.src.rpm

Basic items

Name dhcpxd
Version 1.0.3
Release 31.mga5
Group System/Servers
Summary DHCPXD Daemon
Size 55KB
Arch x86_64
License GPL


The primary goal of this DHCP client is to conform to the DHCP specification
defined in RFC2131 which is now the draft standard. However, the client can
be told how to behave. Additionally, the client supports all-in-one-process
session managment as well as a process per session. It may also be used to
masquerade IP leases and has the capability of running on interface aliases.
Finally, perhaps the most advanced feature of the client is that all the
configuration that is required for setting up interfaces is in scripts that
are run at the appropriate times.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 5
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Build time 2014-10-17 14:32:33
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