Package : bino > RPM : bino-1.6.7-5.mga8.aarch64.rpm

Basic items

Name bino
Version 1.6.7
Release 5.mga8
Group Video/Players
Summary Video Player with 3D and Multi-Display Video Support
Size 2,005KB
Arch aarch64
License GPLv3+


Bino is a video player with the following main features:

- Support for stereoscopic 3D video, with a wide variety of input and output
- Support for multi-display video, e.g. for powerwalls, Virtual Reality
installations and other multi-projector setups.

Mageia ships Bino with LIRC support.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 8
Media name core-release
Media arch aarch64

Advanced items

Source RPM bino-1.6.7-5.mga8.src.rpm
Build time 2020-12-16 19:20:40
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