Package : konversation > RPM : konversation-1.7.5-4.mga7.aarch64.rpm

Basic items

Name konversation
Version 1.7.5
Release 4.mga7
Group Networking/IRC
Summary A user friendly IRC Client for Plasma 5
Size 14MB
Arch aarch64
License GPLv2


Konversation is a graphical Internet Relay Chat client (IRC)
with Plasma 5 support.


* Standard IRC features
* SSL server support
* Bookmarking support
* Easy to use graphical user interface
* Multiple servers and channels in one single window
* DCC file transfer
* Multiple identities for different servers
* Text decorations and colors
* OnScreen Display for notifications
* Automatic UTF-8 detection
* Per channel encoding support
* Theme support for nick icons
* Highly configurable

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 7
Media name core-release
Media arch aarch64

Advanced items

Source RPM konversation-1.7.5-4.mga7.src.rpm
Build time 2019-05-14 19:38:16
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