Package : kicad > RPM : kicad-5.1.4-1.mga7.aarch64.rpm

Basic items

Name kicad
Version 1:5.1.4
Release 1.mga7
Group Sciences/Computer science
Summary An open source program for the creation of electronic schematic diagrams
Size 110MB
Arch aarch64
License GPLv3+


Kicad is an open source (GPL) program for the creation of electronic
schematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork.

Kicad is a set of four programs and a project manager:

* Eeschema: Schematic entry.
* Pcbnew: Board editor.
* Gerbview: GERBER viewer (photoplotter documents).
* Cvpcb: footprint selector for components used in the circuit design.
* Kicad: project manager.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 7
Media name core-updates
Media arch aarch64

Advanced items

Source RPM kicad-5.1.4-1.mga7.src.rpm
Build time 2019-10-10 08:16:57
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