Package : gnubg > RPM : gnubg-1.06.002-2.1.mga7.aarch64.rpm

Basic items

Name gnubg
Version 1.06.002
Release 2.1.mga7
Group Games/Boards
Summary A backgammon game and analyser
Size 24MB
Arch aarch64
License GPLv3+


GNU Backgammon is software for playing and analysing backgammon
positions, games and matches. It's based on a neural network. Although it
already plays at a very high level, it's still work in progress. You may
play GNU Backgammon using the command line or a graphical interface.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 7
Media name core-updates
Media arch aarch64

Advanced items

Source RPM gnubg-1.06.002-2.1.mga7.src.rpm
Build time 2020-03-20 01:39:09
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