Package : winff > RPM : winff-1.5.5-1.mga6.armv7hl.rpm

Basic items

Name winff
Version 1.5.5
Release 1.mga6
Group Video/Editors and Converters
Summary A graphical interface for the video converter ffmpeg
Size 7,597KB
Arch armv7hl
License GPLv3+


WinFF is a GUI for the command line video converter, FFMPEG. It will
convert most any video file that FFmpeg will convert. WinFF does
multiple files in multiple formats at one time. You can for example
convert mpeg's, flv's, and mov's, all into avi's all at once.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 6
Media name core-release
Media arch armv7hl

Advanced items

Source RPM winff-1.5.5-1.mga6.src.rpm
Build time 2017-01-21 19:29:29
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