Package : pax-britannica > RPM : pax-britannica-1.0.0-1.mga6.armv5tl.rpm

Basic items

Name pax-britannica
Version 1.0.0
Release 1.mga6
Group Games/Arcade
Summary Underwater one-button real-time strategy game
Size 7,129KB
Arch armv5tl
License MIT


Pax Britannica is a one-button real-time strategy game by No Fun Games.
Up to four players battle it out underwater, struggling to be the last one

Each player uses one button to spawn ships that fight automatically using the
latest in artificial aquatelligence technology. Gamepads are also supported.
The player who keeps their factory ship alive wins!

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 6
Media name core-release
Media arch armv5tl

Advanced items

Source RPM pax-britannica-1.0.0-1.mga6.src.rpm
Build time 2017-01-27 22:08:24
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