Package : meandmyshadow > RPM : meandmyshadow-0.4.1-5.mga6.armv5tl.rpm

Basic items

Name meandmyshadow
Version 0.4.1
Release 5.mga6
Group Games/Arcade
Summary Puzzle/platform game where you try to reach the exit by solving puzzles
Size 21MB
Arch armv5tl
License GPLv3+


Me and My Shadow is a free libre puzzle/platform game in which
you try to reach the exit by solving puzzles. Spikes, moving
blocks, fragile blocks and much more stand between you and the exit.
Record your moves and let your shadow mimic them to reach blocks you
couldn't reach alone.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 6
Media name core-release
Media arch armv5tl

Advanced items

Source RPM meandmyshadow-0.4.1-5.mga6.src.rpm
Build time 2016-01-15 12:31:14
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