Package : knemo > RPM : knemo-0.7.6-6.mga5.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name knemo
Version 0.7.6
Release 6.mga5
Group Graphical desktop/KDE
Summary The KDE Network Monitor
Size 1,989KB
Arch i586
License GPLv2+


KNemo offers a network monitor similar to the one found in Windows.
For every network interface it displays an icon in the systray.

* support for ethernet (including wireless) and ppp connections
* the icon shows incoming/outgoing traffic
* hiding of icon when the interface is not available
* automatic detection of wireless extensions for ethernet interfaces
* left-clicking on an icon displays a status dialog with information
about the selected interface (2nd click hides dialog)
* configuration via context menu or control center module
(Internet & Network/Network Monitor)
* customizable tooltip for quick access to often needed information
* you can activate 2 custom entries for the context menu. They can
have custom text and a command to run when selected. You can even
select if the commands need root permissions or not.
* automatic detection of available interfaces (click on 'Default' in
the configuration dialog and KNemo will look under /proc/net/dev for
* KNemo uses more standard icon names which allows support from other
icon themes.

Please make sure that in the settings the paths for 'ifconfig' and 'iwconfig'
are correct and that both programs are installed.

IMPORTANT: KNemo is not an executable but an KDED service. Therefore
it has to be started using Control Center/KDE Components/Service Manager.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 5
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM knemo-0.7.6-6.mga5.src.rpm
Build time 2014-10-15 10:22:47
Changelog View in Sophie
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