Package : bolzplatz2006 > RPM : bolzplatz2006-1.0.3-3.mga3.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name bolzplatz2006
Version 1.0.3
Release 3.mga3
Group Games/Sports
Summary 3D-soccer-game in comic-style
Size 4,023KB
Arch i586
License GPL


Our current project is called "Bolzplatz 2006" (English title "Slam Soccer 2006",
French title "Coup de Fout 2006"). It's a freeware 3D-soccer-game in comic-style

Slam Soccer 2006 is a funny football game in
3D-comic-style - and a funny allusion to the
World Cup 2006 in Germany.

* Freeware and open source
* Funny 3d-comic-style
* Enthralling stadium atmosphere
* Keyboard and gamepad control
* 2-player mode
* Career and world cup
* Register in the online hall of fame
* Build your own stadium

* 80 teams
* 20 stadiums
* 10 weather conditions
* 50 adboards
* 10 referees
* 9 commentators (5 German, 2 English, 2 French)

* 3 languages: German, English, French

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 3
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM bolzplatz2006-1.0.3-3.mga3.src.rpm
Build time 2013-01-11 15:05:11
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