Package : grub2-mageia-theme-dejavu > RPM : grub2-mageia-theme-dejavu-1.0-12.mga9.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name grub2-mageia-theme-dejavu
Version 1.0
Release 12.mga9
Group System/Boot and Init
Summary Alternative Mageia GRUB2 theme using the DejaVu font
Size 1,342KB
Arch noarch
License GPLv2 and Bitstream Vera Fonts Copyright


This package provides a GRUB2 custom Mageia theme using the DejaVu font.
This is an alternative to the default theme (which uses a custom Mageia font).

Media information

Distribution release Mageia cauldron
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM grub2-mageia-theme-dejavu-1.0-12.mga9.src.rpm
Build time 2023-04-17 20:35:18
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