Package : tomcat-native > RPM : tomcat-native-1.2.23-1.mga7.armv7hl.rpm

Basic items

Name tomcat-native
Version 1.2.23
Release 1.mga7
Group Development/Java
Summary Tomcat native library
Size 167KB
Arch armv7hl
License ASL 2.0


Tomcat can use the Apache Portable Runtime to provide superior
scalability, performance, and better integration with native server
technologies. The Apache Portable Runtime is a highly portable library
that is at the heart of Apache HTTP Server 2.x. APR has many uses,
including access to advanced IO functionality (such as sendfile, epoll
and OpenSSL), OS level functionality (random number generation, system
status, etc), and native process handling (shared memory, NT pipes and
Unix sockets). This package contains the Tomcat native library which
provides support for using APR in Tomcat.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 7
Media name core-updates
Media arch armv7hl

Advanced items

Source RPM tomcat-native-1.2.23-1.mga7.src.rpm
Build time 2019-07-08 16:37:45
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