Package : igal2 > RPM : igal2-2.2-2.mga7.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name igal2
Version 2.2
Release 2.mga7
Group Text tools
Summary Easy and flexible online Image GALlery generator
Size 55KB
Arch noarch
License GPLv2


Igal2 is a quick, easy and flexible program meant to help you place your
digital images online. It generates a pretty good-looking set of HTML
slides even with its default settings -- which can otherwise be easily
changed with a good number of command-line options or by altering igal2's
HTML and CSS template files.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 7
Media name core-release
Media arch armv7hl

Advanced items

Source RPM igal2-2.2-2.mga7.src.rpm
Build time 2018-09-20 02:57:24
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