Package : gromacs > RPM : gromacs-5.0.7-2.mga7.armv7hl.rpm

Basic items

Name gromacs
Version 5.0.7
Release 2.mga7
Group Sciences/Chemistry
Summary Molecular dynamics package (non-mpi version)
Size 17MB
Arch armv7hl
License GPL


GROMACS is a versatile and extremely well optimized package
to perform molecular dynamics computer simulations and
subsequent trajectory analysis. It is developed for
biomolecules like proteins, but the extremely high
performance means it is used also in several other field
like polymer chemistry and solid state physics.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 7
Media name core-release
Media arch armv7hl

Advanced items

Source RPM gromacs-5.0.7-2.mga7.src.rpm
Build time 2018-09-25 16:49:20
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