Package : graphicsmagick > RPM : graphicsmagick-1.3.32-1.mga7.armv7hl.rpm

Basic items

Name graphicsmagick
Version 1.3.32
Release 1.mga7
Group Graphics/Editors and Converters
Summary An X application for displaying and manipulating images
Size 2,340KB
Arch armv7hl
License GPLv2+


GraphicsMagick is the swiss army knife of image processing. It
provides a robust collection of tools and libraries which support
reading, writing, and manipulating an image in over 88 major formats
including important formats like DPX, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PNG, PDF,
SVG, and TIFF. GraphicsMagick supports huge images on systems that
support large files, and has been tested with gigapixel-size images.
GraphicsMagick can create new images on the fly, making it suitable
for building dynamic Web applications. GraphicsMagick may be used to
resize, rotate, sharpen, color reduce, or add special effects to an
image and save the result in the same or differing image format.
Image processing operations are available from the command line, as
well as through C, C++, Perl, or Windows COM programming interfaces.
Extensions are available from third-parties to support programming in
Python, Tcl, and Ruby. With some modification, language extensions for
ImageMagick may be used.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 7
Media name core-release
Media arch armv7hl

Advanced items

Source RPM graphicsmagick-1.3.32-1.mga7.src.rpm
Build time 2019-06-18 09:52:20
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