Package : fairymax > RPM : fairymax-4.8-8.mga7.armv7hl.rpm

Basic items

Name fairymax
Version 4.8
Release 8.mga7
Group Games/Boards
Summary A XBoard compatible chess and chess-variant engine
Size 93KB
Arch armv7hl
License BSD


Fairy-Max is a program that plays chess and chess variants. It uses the
xboard/winboard chess-engine protocol to communicate. Apart from 'regular'
chess (also known as the Mad-Queen variant), it can play Capablanca chess,
gothic chess, knightmate, cylinder chess, berolina chess, superchess,
makruk (Thai chess) and courier chess. Fairy-Max can be easily configured by
the user to play other variants as well, by modifying the ini file. This ini
file describes the rules of movement of the participating pieces and the
initial board setup.

ShaMax is a version of Fairy-Max adopted to play shatranj. It implements the
baring rule.

Fairy-Max can also play shatranj, but in this case is not aware of the shatranj
rule that a bare king loses. So it might play sub-optimally in the late

ShaMax is a version of Fairy-Max adopted to play XianQi (Chinese Chess).

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 7
Media name core-release
Media arch armv7hl

Advanced items

Source RPM fairymax-4.8-8.mga7.src.rpm
Build time 2018-09-24 09:49:28
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