Package : denyhosts > RPM : denyhosts-3.1-3.mga7.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name denyhosts
Version 3.1
Release 3.mga7
Group Networking/Other
Summary A script to help thwart ssh server attacks
Size 264KB
Arch noarch
License GPLv2


DenyHosts is a Python script that analyzes the sshd server log
messages to determine which hosts are attempting to hack into your
system. It also determines what user accounts are being targeted. It
keeps track of the frequency of attempts from each host and, upon
discovering a repeated attack host, updates the /etc/hosts.deny file
to prevent future break-in attempts from that host. Email reports can
be sent to a system admin.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 7
Media name core-release
Media arch armv7hl

Advanced items

Source RPM denyhosts-3.1-3.mga7.src.rpm
Build time 2018-09-20 01:06:47
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