Package : python-copr-doc > RPM : python-copr-doc-1.76-1.mga6.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name python-copr-doc
Version 1.76
Release 1.mga6
Group Development/Python
Summary Code documentation for python-copr package
Size 1,384KB
Arch noarch
License GPLv2+


COPR is lightweight build system. It allows you to create new project in WebUI,
and submit new builds and COPR will create yum repository from latest builds.

This package includes documentation for python-copr. Mostly useful for
developers only.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 6
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM python-copr-1.76-1.mga6.src.rpm
Build time 2017-04-08 22:50:46
Changelog View in Sophie
Files View in Sophie
Dependencies View in Sophie