Package : python-cheetah > RPM : python-cheetah-2.4.4-10.mga6.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name python-cheetah
Version 2.4.4
Release 10.mga6
Group Development/Python
Summary Python-powered template engine and code-generator
Size 1,947KB
Arch i586
License MIT like


* generates HTML, SGML, XML, SQL, Postscript, form email, LaTeX, or any other
text-based format.
* cleanly separates content, graphic design, and program code. This leads to
highly modular, flexible, and reusable site architectures; faster
development time; and HTML and program code that is easier to understand and
maintain. It is particularly well suited for team efforts.
* blends the power and flexibility of Python with a simple template language
that non-programmers can understand.
* gives template writers full access to any Python data structure, module,
function, object, or method in their templates.
* makes code reuse easy by providing an object-orientated interface to
templates that is accessible from Python code or other Cheetah templates.
One template can subclass another and selectively reimplement sections of it.
* provides a simple, yet powerful, caching mechanism that can dramatically
improve the performance of a dynamic website.
* compiles templates into optimized, yet readable, Python code.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 6
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM python-cheetah-2.4.4-10.mga6.src.rpm
Build time 2016-02-08 14:58:33
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