Package : gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio > RPM : gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio-3.9.2-3.mga6.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio
Version 3.9.2
Release 3.mga6
Group Development/Basic
Summary The Gambas SDL2 audio component
Size 21KB
Arch i586
License GPLv2+


This component allows you to play sounds in Gambas. This component
manages up to 32 sound tracks that can play sounds from memory, and
one music track that can play music from a file. Everything is mixed
in real timeu sing SDL2.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 6
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM gambas3-3.9.2-3.mga6.src.rpm
Build time 2017-03-10 20:14:00
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