Package : distcache-client > RPM : distcache-client-1.5.1-27.mga6.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name distcache-client
Version 1.5.1
Release 27.mga6
Group System/Servers
Summary Distributed session cache client proxy
Size 95KB
Arch i586
License LGPL


dc_client runs a client proxy to provide access to a remote cache server
(typically over TCP/IPv4) by providing a local service (typically over unix
domain sockets). It starts listening on a configurable network address for
connections and establishes a persistent connection to an instance of dc_server
for proxying cache operations to. Incoming connections are expected to
communicate using the distcache protocol, and would typically be applications
using one of the distcache APIs in libdistcache to encapsulate these

The common use of dc_client is to run as a local agent on each host machine
that requires use of the distributed cache, as the listening address should
probably use unix domain sockets which are better suited to frequent (and
temporary) connections being used for individual cache operations. Likewise,
the connection dc_client makes to the cache server (dc_server) for proxying
cache operations is typically over a genuine network to remote machine, using

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 6
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM distcache-1.5.1-27.mga6.src.rpm
Build time 2016-03-02 23:11:09
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