Package : libgeda-data > RPM : libgeda-data-1.8.2-6.mga6.x86_64.rpm

Basic items

Name libgeda-data
Version 1:1.8.2
Release 6.mga6
Group Sciences/Other
Summary Static data from geda
Size 379KB
Arch x86_64
License GPLv2+


This packages contains some help files and other static stuf.

The gEDA project is working on producing a full GPL'd suite of
Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical
circuit design, simulation, prototyping, and production.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 6
Media name core-release
Media arch x86_64

Advanced items

Source RPM geda-1.8.2-6.mga6.src.rpm
Build time 2016-10-05 17:56:31
Changelog View in Sophie
Files View in Sophie
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