Package : php-pear-Tree > RPM : php-pear-Tree-0.3.7-8.mga5.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name php-pear-Tree
Version 0.3.7
Release 8.mga5
Group Development/PHP
Summary Generic tree management, currently supports databases (via DB, MDB and MDB2) and XML as data sources
Size 436KB
Arch noarch
License PHP License


Provides methods to read and manipulate trees, which are stored in a
database (via DB, MDB and MDB2) or an XML file.

The trees can be stored in the DB either as nested trees.
Or as simple trees, which use parentId-like structure.
Currently XML data can only be read from a file and accessed.
The package offers a big number of methods to access and manipulate trees.
For example methods like: getRoot, getChild[ren[Ids]], getParent[s[Ids]],
getPath[ById] and many

There are two ways of retreiving the data from the place where they are
one is by reading the entire tree into the memory - the Memory way. The
is reading the tree nodes as needed (very useful in combination with huge
and the nested set model).

The package is designed that way that it is possible to convert/copy tree
from either structure to another (from XML into DB).

This package has the following drivers:
* DB
* MDB2
* Array
* FileSystem

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 5
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM php-pear-Tree-0.3.7-8.mga5.src.rpm
Build time 2014-10-29 19:58:47
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