Package : php-docblock > RPM : php-docblock-0.2.0-0.svn20130617.7.mga5.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name php-docblock
Version 0.2.0
Release 0.svn20130617.7.mga5
Group Development/PHP
Summary docblock - phpDocumentor-style DocBlock tokenizer
Size 65KB
Arch i586
License PHP 2.02


This extension is like the tokenizer extension for PHP. It takes a
document comment (docblock) like this one:

- information {@inlinetag}
- @tags
- */

and parses it into tokens.

The primary function is docblock_tokenize(), which accepts a string,
and returns an array of arrays of array(TOKEN, "token"). TOKEN is one
of DOCBLOCK_* constants.

docblock_tokenize() has an optional second bool parameter that
determine whether to output non-essential tokens like the /** * stuff.

docblock_token_name() takes a DOCBLOCK_* constant and returns its name

In PECL status of this extension is: %{_status}.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 5
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM php-docblock-0.2.0-0.svn20130617.7.mga5.src.rpm
Build time 2015-02-18 20:01:34
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