Package : php-ZendFramework2-Test > RPM : php-ZendFramework2-Test-2.4.8-1.mga5.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name php-ZendFramework2-Test
Version 2.4.8
Release 1.mga5
Group Development/PHP
Summary Zend Framework 2: Test Component
Size 56KB
Arch noarch
License BSD


The Zend\Test component provides tools to facilitate unit testing of your Zend
Framework applications. At this time, we offer facilities to enable testing of
your Zend Framework MVC applications.

PHPUnit is the only library supported currently.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 5
Media name core-updates
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM php-ZendFramework2-2.4.8-1.mga5.src.rpm
Build time 2015-10-02 12:20:38
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