Package : php-ZendFramework2-Paginator > RPM : php-ZendFramework2-Paginator-2.4.9-1.mga5.noarch.rpm

Basic items

Name php-ZendFramework2-Paginator
Version 2.4.9
Release 1.mga5
Group Development/PHP
Summary Zend Framework 2: Paginator Component
Size 69KB
Arch noarch
License BSD


Zend\Paginator is a flexible component for paginating collections of data and
presenting that data to users.

The primary design goals of Zend\Paginator are as follows:

* Paginate arbitrary data, not just relational databases
* Fetch only the results that need to be displayed
* Do not force users to adhere to only one way of displaying data or rendering
pagination controls
* Loosely couple Zend\Paginator to other Zend Framework components so that users
who wish to use it independently of Zend\View, Zend\Db, etc. can do so

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 5
Media name core-updates
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM php-ZendFramework2-2.4.9-1.mga5.src.rpm
Build time 2016-05-12 18:33:40
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