Package : libexiv2_13 > RPM : libexiv2_13-0.24-5.2.mga5.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name libexiv2_13
Version 0.24
Release 5.2.mga5
Group Graphics/Utilities
Summary Library to access EXIF data in image files
Size 17MB
Arch i586
License GPLv2+


libexiv2 is a C++ library to access image metadata. libexiv2 is free

The Exiv2 library provides:
* full read and write access to the Exif and IPTC metadata of
an image through Exiv2 keys and standard C++ iterators
* a smart IPTC implementation that does not affect data that
programs like Photoshop store in the same image segment
* Exif MakerNote support:
o MakerNote tags can be accessed just like any other Exif metadata
o a sophisticated write algorithm avoids corrupting the MakerNote:
1) the MakerNote is not re-located if possible at all, and
2) MakerNote Ifd offsets are re-calculated if the MakerNote
needs to be moved (for known Ifd MakerNotes)
* extract and delete methods for Exif thumbnails (both, JPEG and TIFF
* set methods for Exif thumbnails (JPEG only, TIFF thumbnails can be
set from individual tags)
* complete API documentation (by Doxygen)

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 5
Media name core-updates
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM exiv2-0.24-5.2.mga5.src.rpm
Build time 2017-10-26 18:52:16
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