Package : libcommoncpp-devel > RPM : libcommoncpp-devel-1.8.1-10.mga5.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name libcommoncpp-devel
Version 1.8.1
Release 10.mga5
Group Development/C++
Summary A GNU package for creating portable C++ program
Size 15MB
Arch i586
License GPL


Common C++ is a GNU package which offers portable "abstraction" of system
services such as threads, networks, and sockets. Common C++ also offers
individual frameworks generally useful to developing portable C++ applications
including a object persistance engine, math libraries, threading, sockets, etc.

Common C++ is small, and highly portable. Common C++ will support most Unix
operating systems as well as Win32, in addition to GNU/Linux.

This package contains the development files and documentation needed to build
programs with CommonC++.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 5
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM commoncpp-1.8.1-10.mga5.src.rpm
Build time 2014-10-18 13:02:23
Changelog View in Sophie
Files View in Sophie
Dependencies View in Sophie